Templated Object Types
Unreal Engine provides various templated object pointer types that help manage memory and references to UObject
instances in a safe and efficient manner. These templated types are vital for ensuring the stability and performance of your Unreal Engine projects. In this post, we’ll explore the most common templated object pointer types, explain what they do, and discuss when to use them.
1. TObjectPtr<>
Purpose: TObjectPtr
is a smart pointer introduced in Unreal Engine 5, designed to replace raw pointers for referencing UObject
types. It provides enhanced memory safety by automatically handling the lifetime of the referenced object.
It was introduced in 5.0 and is now becoming the new norm, especially with the new incremental garbage collection
being implemented in Unreal Engine 5.4.
Use Case: Use TObjectPtr
when you want to ensure safe and efficient references to UObject
instances, particularly when ownership semantics are important, and to be allow for reference tracking.
TObjectPtr<UTexture2D> MyTexture;
2. TWeakObjectPtr<>
Purpose: TWeakObjectPtr
is a non-owning smart pointer that references a UObject
without preventing it from being garbage collected. It allows you to check if the object is still valid before accessing it.
Use Case: Use TWeakObjectPtr
when you need a reference to a UObject
that might be destroyed or unloaded, and you don’t want to keep it alive unnecessarily.
TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> WeakActorPtr;
3. TSoftObjectPtr<>
Purpose: TSoftObjectPtr
is a smart pointer that holds a reference to a UObject
asset by its path, without loading the asset into memory until it’s explicitly needed. This is useful for optimizing memory usage.
Use Case: Use TSoftObjectPtr
for assets that are not immediately needed, such as optional or large assets, where you want to load them only when required.
TSoftObjectPtr<UTexture2D> SoftTexture;
4. TSoftClassPtr<>
Purpose: TSoftClassPtr
is similar to TSoftObjectPtr
, but it specifically references a class instead of an object. It holds the class by its path and loads it only when necessary.
Use Case: Use TSoftClassPtr
when you want to reference a class that may not be needed immediately, such as a blueprint class or a specific gameplay actor class.
TSoftClassPtr<AActor> SoftActorClass;
5. TSubclassOf<>
Purpose: TSubclassOf
is a templated class used to store references to classes derived from a specified base class. It ensures that only valid subclasses are assigned to the variable, which is particularly useful for blueprint interactions.
Use Case: Use TSubclassOf
when you need to reference a class type, especially when dealing with blueprints or dynamically spawning actors.
TSubclassOf<AActor> ActorSubclass;
6. TLazyObjectPtr<>
Purpose: TLazyObjectPtr
is designed to handle objects that might be unloaded and reloaded during gameplay. It maintains a reference to the object even if it is unloaded and can resolve it when the object is reloaded.
Use Case: Use TLazyObjectPtr
when referencing objects that might be dynamically loaded or unloaded, such as with level streaming or large datasets.
TLazyObjectPtr<AActor> LazyActorPtr;
7. TScriptInterface<>
Purpose: TScriptInterface
is a templated type that holds a reference to an object that implements a specific interface. It allows interaction with the interface without knowing the underlying object type.
Use Case: Use TScriptInterface
when you need to interact with different objects through a common interface, especially useful in blueprint scripting and interface-driven design.
TScriptInterface<IMyInterface> InterfacePtr;
Each of these templated object pointer types in Unreal Engine serves a specific purpose in managing references to UObject
instances, ensuring safe memory management and optimal performance. Understanding when and how to use these types is essential for effective Unreal Engine development. By mastering these pointers, you can write more robust, efficient, and maintainable code.