Network Serialization

- 10 mins read

Hello, I wanted to talk about some ways you can improve networking performance in C++ by understanding and implementing efficient network serialization in Unreal Engine. Effective serialization is critical for transmitting data across the network without unnecessary overhead, especially in multiplayer games where bandwidth is limited.

This article assumes basic familiarization with Unreal Engine’s networking system.

What is Network Serialization?

Serialization in the context of networking refers to the process of converting data into a format that can be easily transmitted over a network and reconstructed later. In Unreal Engine, this process is crucial for ensuring that game states, variables, and objects are accurately synchronized between clients and servers.

Unreal Engine’s Built-in Serialization

Unreal Engine provides built-in support for serialization with its powerful reflection system. This system can automatically serialize properties marked with specific macros, making it easy to sync variables across the network.

Here’s an example of a simple struct that can be serialized, and forcing it to be atomic:

struct FPlayerData

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Player Data")
    int32 Health;

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Player Data")
    int32 Armor;

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Player Data")
    FVector Location;

    // Serializes the data for network transmission
    friend FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FPlayerData& Data)
        Ar << Data.Health;
        Ar << Data.Armor;
        Ar << Data.Location;

        return Ar;

In this example, the FPlayerData struct contains the player’s health, armor, and location. The operator<< overload is implemented to serialize these properties, ensuring that they can be packed into a network packet and sent over the network.

A common point of confusion when first learning about any type of serialization in Unreal is the use of the << operator. This operator works both during reading, and writing. FArchive has functions to determine which mode it’s in. Such as the write mode with Ar.IsSaving or the read mode with Ar.IsLoading. This enables you to control how things get serialized during both read and write operations.

Something important to node about overriding the << operator, is that it’s used for ALL types of serialization, not just networking. Don’t worry, there are ways to specifically control serialization ONLY during network serialization.

Unreal has a powerful Struct Trait System, now forewarning, the syntax may look a bit weird. But here is an example of how we can declare a UStruct with a Network Serializer

struct TStructOpsTypeTraits<FPlayerData> : public TStructOpsTypeTraitsBase2<FPlayerData>
		WithNetSerializer = true,

This TStructOpsTypeTraits lets you define very specific ways a structure gets used, looking inside of Class.h we can see all of the struct traits to cover custom aspects of UStructs

/** type traits to cover the custom aspects of a script struct **/
template <class CPPSTRUCT>
struct TStructOpsTypeTraitsBase2
		WithZeroConstructor            = false,                         // struct can be constructed as a valid object by filling its memory footprint with zeroes.
		WithNoInitConstructor          = false,                         // struct has a constructor which takes an EForceInit parameter which will force the constructor to perform initialization, where the default constructor performs 'uninitialization'.
		WithNoDestructor               = false,                         // struct will not have its destructor called when it is destroyed.
		WithCopy                       = !TIsPODType<CPPSTRUCT>::Value, // struct can be copied via its copy assignment operator.
		WithIdenticalViaEquality       = false,                         // struct can be compared via its operator==.  This should be mutually exclusive with WithIdentical.
		WithIdentical                  = false,                         // struct can be compared via an Identical(const T* Other, uint32 PortFlags) function.  This should be mutually exclusive with WithIdenticalViaEquality.
		WithExportTextItem             = false,                         // struct has an ExportTextItem function used to serialize its state into a string.
		WithImportTextItem             = false,                         // struct has an ImportTextItem function used to deserialize a string into an object of that class.
		WithAddStructReferencedObjects = false,                         // struct has an AddStructReferencedObjects function which allows it to add references to the garbage collector.
		WithSerializer                 = false,                         // struct has a Serialize function for serializing its state to an FArchive.
		WithStructuredSerializer       = false,                         // struct has a Serialize function for serializing its state to an FStructuredArchive.
		WithPostSerialize              = false,                         // struct has a PostSerialize function which is called after it is serialized
		WithNetSerializer              = false,                         // struct has a NetSerialize function for serializing its state to an FArchive used for network replication.
		WithNetDeltaSerializer         = false,                         // struct has a NetDeltaSerialize function for serializing differences in state from a previous NetSerialize operation.
		WithSerializeFromMismatchedTag = false,                         // struct has a SerializeFromMismatchedTag function for converting from other property tags.
		WithStructuredSerializeFromMismatchedTag = false,               // struct has an FStructuredArchive-based SerializeFromMismatchedTag function for converting from other property tags.
		WithPostScriptConstruct        = false,                         // struct has a PostScriptConstruct function which is called after it is constructed in blueprints
		WithNetSharedSerialization     = false,                         // struct has a NetSerialize function that does not require the package map to serialize its state.
		WithGetPreloadDependencies     = false,                         // struct has a GetPreloadDependencies function to return all objects that will be Preload()ed when the struct is serialized at load time.
		WithPureVirtual                = false,                         // struct has PURE_VIRTUAL functions and cannot be constructed when CHECK_PUREVIRTUALS is true
		WithFindInnerPropertyInstance  = false,							// struct has a FindInnerPropertyInstance function that can provide an FProperty and data pointer when given a property FName
		WithCanEditChange			   = false,							// struct has an editor-only CanEditChange function that can conditionally make child properties read-only in the details panel (same idea as UObject::CanEditChange)

	static constexpr EPropertyObjectReferenceType WithSerializerObjectReferences = EPropertyObjectReferenceType::Conservative; // struct's Serialize method(s) may serialize object references of these types - default Conservative means unknown and object reference collector archives should serialize this struct 

To see a very good example of this system in use, we can look at FVector_NetQuantize, located inside of NetSerialization.h.

USTRUCT(meta = (HasNativeMake = "/Script/Engine.KismetMathLibrary.MakeVector_NetQuantize", HasNativeBreak = "/Script/Engine.KismetMathLibrary.BreakVector_NetQuantize"))
struct FVector_NetQuantize : public FVector

	FORCEINLINE FVector_NetQuantize()

	explicit FORCEINLINE FVector_NetQuantize(EForceInit E)
	: FVector(E)

	FORCEINLINE FVector_NetQuantize(double InX, double InY, double InZ)
	: FVector(InX, InY, InZ)

	FORCEINLINE FVector_NetQuantize(const FVector &InVec)

	bool NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)
		bOutSuccess = SerializePackedVector<1, 20>(*this, Ar);
		return true;

struct TStructOpsTypeTraits< FVector_NetQuantize > : public TStructOpsTypeTraitsBase2< FVector_NetQuantize >
		WithNetSerializer = true,
		WithNetSharedSerialization = true,

Brushing over the boilerplate code, we can see that FVector_NetQuantize implements the trait WithNetSerializer = true, and then the function:

	bool NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)

-is implemented, this gives us full access to the FArchive responsible for the network serialization.

Another important trait is WithNetDeltaSerializer, which enables you direct access to determine what changes between two NetSerialize function calls, FFastArraySerializer takes advantage of this.

Optimizing Serialization for Performance

While Unreal Engine handles a lot of serialization automatically, there are ways to optimize it for better performance:

  1. Minimize Data Transmission: Only serialize and send the data that is absolutely necessary. Avoid transmitting redundant or static data that doesn’t change often.

  2. Use Compression: If you’re sending large amounts of data, consider compressing it before serialization. Unreal Engine provides built-in functions like FArchive for this purpose.

  3. Custom Serialization: For complex objects, implement custom serialization logic to control exactly how data is packed and unpacked, which can reduce the size of your network packets.

Example: Custom Serialization with Compression

Here’s a quick example of custom serialization with compression:

void AMyPlayerState::SerializeCompressedData(FArchive& Ar)
    if (Ar.IsSaving())
        TArray<uint8> UncompressedData;
        FMemoryWriter MemoryWriter(UncompressedData, true);
        MemoryWriter << PlayerData;

        // Compress the data
        TArray<uint8> CompressedData;
        FCompression::CompressMemory(NAME_Zlib, CompressedData.GetData(), CompressedData.Max(), UncompressedData.GetData(), UncompressedData.Num());

        // Serialize compressed data
        Ar << CompressedData;
    else if (Ar.IsLoading())
        TArray<uint8> CompressedData;
        Ar << CompressedData;

        TArray<uint8> UncompressedData;
        FCompression::UncompressMemory(NAME_Zlib, UncompressedData.GetData(), UncompressedData.Max(), CompressedData.GetData(), CompressedData.Num());

        FMemoryReader MemoryReader(UncompressedData, true);
        MemoryReader << PlayerData;

In this example, data is compressed using the Zlib algorithm before being serialized, reducing the amount of data transmitted over the network. When received, the data is uncompressed and deserialized back into the original format.

Let’s say you have a very very large structure, but that structure might not always be full of every piece of information that can be packaged into it, do we still have to replicate all the properties in the struct even if they’re empty? NO.

We can take advantage of the NetSerialize and access to the FArchive responsible by implementing something called Bit Counting or Rep Bit Counting

Bit Counting is when you pack informatin into a bit uint8 uint32 (or whatever you suits your requirements) and determine what needs to get packaged up during the Ar.IsSaving phase. Let’s take a look at FGameplayEffectContext from the Gameplay Ability System

bool FGameplayEffectContext::NetSerialize(FArchive& Ar, class UPackageMap* Map, bool& bOutSuccess)
	uint8 RepBits = 0;
	if (Ar.IsSaving())
		if (bReplicateInstigator && Instigator.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 0;
		if (bReplicateEffectCauser && EffectCauser.IsValid() )
			RepBits |= 1 << 1;
		if (AbilityCDO.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 2;
		if (bReplicateSourceObject && SourceObject.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 3;
		if (Actors.Num() > 0)
			RepBits |= 1 << 4;
		if (HitResult.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 5;
		if (bHasWorldOrigin)
			RepBits |= 1 << 6;

	Ar.SerializeBits(&RepBits, 7);

	if (RepBits & (1 << 0))
		Ar << Instigator;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 1))
		Ar << EffectCauser;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 2))
		Ar << AbilityCDO;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 3))
		Ar << SourceObject;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 4))
		SafeNetSerializeTArray_Default<31>(Ar, Actors);
	if (RepBits & (1 << 5))
		if (Ar.IsLoading())
			if (!HitResult.IsValid())
				HitResult = TSharedPtr<FHitResult>(new FHitResult());
		HitResult->NetSerialize(Ar, Map, bOutSuccess);
	if (RepBits & (1 << 6))
		Ar << WorldOrigin;
		bHasWorldOrigin = true;
		bHasWorldOrigin = false;

	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		AddInstigator(Instigator.Get(), EffectCauser.Get()); // Just to initialize InstigatorAbilitySystemComponent
	bOutSuccess = true;
	return true;

What in the world is this giant thing? Well it’s actually pretty simple, you see FGameplayEffectContext is a very large struct. size: 128, alignment: 8, and we might not always have every bit of information packed into every one of those variables. So we can take advantage of bit counting to determine what actually needs to get serialized up.

	uint8 RepBits = 0;
	if (Ar.IsSaving())
		if (bReplicateInstigator && Instigator.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 0;
		if (bReplicateEffectCauser && EffectCauser.IsValid() )
			RepBits |= 1 << 1;
		if (AbilityCDO.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 2;
		if (bReplicateSourceObject && SourceObject.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 3;
		if (Actors.Num() > 0)
			RepBits |= 1 << 4;
		if (HitResult.IsValid())
			RepBits |= 1 << 5;
		if (bHasWorldOrigin)
			RepBits |= 1 << 6;

This part here, only happens when the FArchive is in the write mode, at that time, you determine which properties have relevant values, and simply mark a flag into the uint8 RepBits, stating that something exists at that point we may want later.

The next part happens for both writing and reading. At whichtime the RepBits is serialized to the number of entries we put into it, (in this case 7 bits), and then as we come through the struct, we look and see which properties are relevant, and if they are. We serialize them with the << operator, or by calling the property’s custom NetSerialize function. When this gets read on the other side, the order is maintained through the RepBits, so the reader has the ability to unpack the structure in the correct order. Which is *Extremely important. Both reading and writing needs to happen in the same order, due to how buffers work. We use the uint8 to maintain a small way to send the data through the network which contains our information about what was actually read to the archiver.

Ar.SerializeBits(&RepBits, 7);

	if (RepBits & (1 << 0))
		Ar << Instigator;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 1))
		Ar << EffectCauser;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 2))
		Ar << AbilityCDO;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 3))
		Ar << SourceObject;
	if (RepBits & (1 << 4))
		SafeNetSerializeTArray_Default<31>(Ar, Actors);
	if (RepBits & (1 << 5))
		if (Ar.IsLoading())
			if (!HitResult.IsValid())
				HitResult = TSharedPtr<FHitResult>(new FHitResult());
		HitResult->NetSerialize(Ar, Map, bOutSuccess);
	if (RepBits & (1 << 6))
		Ar << WorldOrigin;
		bHasWorldOrigin = true;
		bHasWorldOrigin = false;

	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		AddInstigator(Instigator.Get(), EffectCauser.Get()); // Just to initialize InstigatorAbilitySystemComponent
	bOutSuccess = true;
	return true;


Efficient network serialization is essential for any multiplayer game developed in Unreal Engine. By understanding and optimizing how data is serialized, you can significantly reduce network overhead, leading to smoother and more responsive gameplay.

If you’re looking to enhance your game’s networking performance, start by analyzing what data you’re sending across the network and consider implementing custom serialization strategies to optimize it.

By following these guidelines and examples, you’ll be well on your way to improving your Unreal Engine project’s networking performance. Happy coding!